Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Momentum has to start somewhere!

Day 2 of the 180 Turn Around and the first day back in the gym this year! I only had enough time to walk in my front door, grab my stuff and go but your motivation changes when you have the mindset that you don't have the option to NOT go (Definitely the upside to having a gym buddy).

We were pressed for time so we decided on doing just a basic push, (dumbell presses)  pull (T-bar Lifts), legs (leg press) and some sprints. It wasn't what I'd consider a full workout, but ANY gym time is good gym time; especially when you're just getting the ball rolling!

I've learned through other endeavors that momentum is the hardest thing to start, but the easiest thing to maintain. Maintaining momentum is going to be the key difference from this being just another resolution season and a fully changed lifestyle.

I am still getting a concrete workout/nutrition plan put together, but it is on it's way! I am definitely excited to have a plan of attack, instead of being a "gym tourist", just walking around looking for things to do :P

We also decided to move our gym time to before work, which means getting up alot earlier. There are a few reasons we decided to do this. One of which is to avoid crowded gyms, but primarily so that my evenings remain open; leaving time for a social life as well as my volunteering commitments.

That's all for now!

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